RiTeBo GmbH, owner D. Bozniatzki, Andreas Wolff , straightening technology and accessories such as straightening rollers, arondier rollers, calibration rollers, guide rollers, wire straightening technology, straightener, straightener,
Ladies and gentlemen,
As a specialist in the field of straightening technology, I founded an independent company. I took the step into self-employment with a very similar program as you already knew from my previous work.
RiTeBo GmbH was founded in January 2014 ! The address is:
Corunnastraße 38
D-58636 Iserlohn
in the premises of Andreas Wolff Metalworking.
The premises of RiTeBo are identical to those of Wolff. For the future, riTeBo will be able to carry out all pending repairs and new productions in the field of straightening machines, straighteners, and also contract manufacturing quickly, precisely and priced for you in the area of mine. usual to offer high quality .
Of course, I am also available for a personal conversation at very short notice!
I would be happy to explain the new conditions and the future prospects of my
Cooperation with you taking into account the production possibilities of Wolff.
The contact persons for repairs of straightening units, new production as well as series and new parts are:
D. Bozniatzki, accessible at
Phone: 02371 974 68 28 and 02371 77 80 5 80
Email: info@ritebo-gmbh.de
Fax: 02371 974 68 30
A. Wolff can be reached at
Phone: 02371 6 75 25
Email: martin.brudereck@wolff-metallbearbeitung.de
We look forward to your consideration of the next enquiries and orders and if we can prove our competence to you.
Yours sincerely
RiTeBo GmbH
Detlev Bozniatzki
Tel.: 02371 974 68 28 and 02371 77 80 5 80
Fax: 02371 974 68 30
Mobile: 0160 960 25 333
Email: info@ritebo-gmbh.de